My Two Cents Worth 

..Monday, March 22, 2010..

The Law of Attraction - a office mate share this two weeks ago

Feeling and thoughts can attract events that comes into your life. Positive attract people, negative repels. It not so much of actions anymore. I kind of agree to it. After all, humans is made up of body, mind and spirit. Thoughts by mind, feelings by spirit. Due to this, I believe whatever that the body does, doesn't really mean much anymore. One may force himself to good things that appear happy but if deep inside is a negative field, repeling still happens.

I know myself as a classic example. it totally change eversince I had a change of mindset. People like flowing into my life and everything just change to a everyday-happy-moment.

Success, meeting/achieving one's desire is not a bad thing, but if doing it neglects other, I rather not. According to my knoweledge, I believe this is not really talking about attracting positivity into your life. But instead having that positivity, and then attract people into your life and bring benefit to every single one of them.

Whether we like it or not, everyone of us is able to sense one another subconiously. And whether we like it or not, our expression, posture and actions will show wether are we attracted or repelled. There is sure kind souls out there who has poker face to hidden their fustration but in the end it just don't give both party any help.

Whether a person really is positive or not, on another hand, is totally not known.

Let's just put it this way.

Poker face can be used perfectly to hide how you feel on the inside.
But Poker face cannot hide what you feels about others.(One's actions just gives it away)

Only you yourself know how what state are you in. All this things can all be easiler answered. But the root of every problem, if you realised, will always boil down to this question.

"Are you for yourself, or for others?"

And like what was mention, Poker face will not be about to fully cover one's feeling towards another person. Go deep into observing everyone around you can you might just find whether you are really attracting or repelling.

Even if one is waking with reserved power and knoweledge, but with that attraction, people will still want you to play a part in their lives.


++ posted by George @ 9:39 AM | 0 comments


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George Quek
18 Feb 1990



