My Two Cents Worth 

..Thursday, January 28, 2010..

Once again, I am face with the same question.

A Need or A Want?

A Necessity or An Addition?

Worth Or Not Worth?

Looking at my life, it is already in abundance.

It is overflowing so much to an extend that I can satisfy food craving instantly by just dropping by the particular food store.

I started to think about what the abundance in this context means.

Really, whatever that is given to you, minus away your daily needs, are the overflows.

What I am trying to say here is that God's promise to abundance is not a instant grant, instead, it is a progressive cumulative grant. Another words means that the moment you start sowing, your life has already slowly overflowing.

Let's take a overweight person for an example.
When He or she starts to exercise, his weight will begin to decrease. He won't really realised it after a few weeks, or even months, but the weight is progressively decreasing.
There will then comes a day that someone suddenly says that: "Hey, You Slim Down!". that's when the person realised the result and was happy about it.

What I am trying to say here is that, instead of whining all the time thinking when will your blessings come. Look at what will eventually massively overflow out of your life overtime and be glad about it overall.

Wayne Dyer says that
Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.

What is your defination of abundance?

Til you own every single gadget, a big car? Or just simple things like about to upgrade your daily meal soft drink to a fruit juice?

Both shows addition, they are both expenses that is beyond the needs and requirement of life.

But most people won't really see the second one.

++ posted by George @ 3:10 PM | 0 comments


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George Quek
18 Feb 1990



