My Two Cents Worth 

..Thursday, February 11, 2010..

All you have to do is just bring God into the equation,

Then you will realise, that your emotions, your feelings, your thoughts, your doings, your effort, or whatever is not to be worried about to a slightest bit.

Yes, He has help you in your everything, but at the same time, everything is to His glory.

When you put God into the equation,

you will become selfless. Always thinking about His ministry, thinking about you being in your best, serving His ministry.

Where the Core Backbone of everything you do is to fulfil His works but not for one's pleasure, interest.

It sounds easy and everyone knows that.

But it is just hard to have complete trust towards the Lord.
We still choose to do according to our own feeling.

Such a difficult topic to talk about. all you can do is exercise it, but then again, it happens in the inner side, a battle in the hearts and will not be express out to the physical.

It can't be taught, observed, or maybe understood.

Therefore, it all narrow down to one fact about learning it and that is self-experience.

And it may just become like a endless examination paper, until you really really learn it.

++ posted by George @ 1:54 PM | 0 comments


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George Quek
18 Feb 1990



